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SAG for Starknet

The SAG for Starknet implementation enables verification of Spontaneous Anonymous Group (SAG) signatures on the Starknet blockchain. This implementation leverages Starknet-specific optimizations to perform ring signature verification efficiently on-chain, supporting both SECP256K1 and ED25519 elliptic curves.

The SAG verification functionality on Starknet is provided by the starknet-sag-ts package from Alice's Ring, a TypeScript library for creating SAG signatures.

Key Differences in the Starknet Implementation

The Starknet version of the SAG verifier shares the same fundamental logic as the EVM version, with a few important adjustments to optimize for the Starknet ecosystem:

  1. Poseidon Hash Function: The signer and verifier use the Poseidon hashing function, which is computationally cheaper on Starknet compared to traditional hashing algorithms.

  2. Garaga for Multi-Scalar Multiplication (MSM): The implementation is using Garaga allowing efficient on-chain multi-scalar multiplication (MSM). The process incorporates hints passed alongside the ring signature to perform MSM efficiently.

Generating a Ring Signature for Starknet

Here's how to generate a ring signature for starknet using Alice's Ring in TypeScript:

import {
} from "@cypher-laboratory/alicesring-sag-starknet";

const curve = new Curve(CurveName.SECP256K1);
const message = "Hello, Alice's Ring!";

// Define an array of compressed public keys
const compressedPublickeys = [
// ...

const ring: Point[] = [];
// Deserialize each compressed public key and add it to the ring array
compressedPublickeys.forEach((compressedKey) => {
const point = Point.deserialize(compressedKey);

const signerPrivateKey = BigInt("0x..."); // The signer's private key

// Sign
const signature = RingSignature.sign(ring, signerPrivateKey, message, curve);

// Verify locally
console.log("Is signature valid?", signature.verify()); // Should output: true

(async () => {
// Get the signature data to send to the contract
const signature = RingSignature.sign(ring, signerPrivateKey, message, curve);
const rawCallData = await signature.getCallData();
console.log("Starknet callData: ", rawCallData);

Important: ringSignature.getCallData() is an async function.

Verifying a Ring Signature On-Chain

To verify the ring signature on-chain, you can use the SAG verifier in Cairo. Below is an example of how to integrate the verifier into your Cairo contract.


Add the SAG Cairo Verifier to your Scarb.toml:

alices_ring_cairo_verifier = {git = ""}

Importing the Verifier Interface

use alices_ring_cairo_verifier::structtype::ringsignature;

pub trait IRingSignatureVerifier<TContractState> {
fn verify_rs(self: @TContractState, ring_signature: RingSignature) -> bool;

mod RingSignatureVerifier {
use alices_ring_cairo_verifier::verify;
use alices_ring_cairo_verifier::structType::RingSignature;

struct Storage {}

impl IRingSignatureVerifier of super::IRingSignatureVerifier<ContractState> {
fn verify_rs(self: @ContractState, ring_signature: RingSignature) -> bool {

Using Voyager block explorer :

You can also pass the raw call data to the deployed contract at the following address:

Starknet Contract Address: 0x0317Ce745DE0A65308A19f6e184Be43A17F20D1eAe04B7433d984Df1D571DAA4 on Sepolia Starknet.

Number of steps

Verifying a SAG signature requires approximately 46,800 steps per public key in the ring.

Deployed address

NetworkDeployed Address


We welcome contributions! To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository for the signer or the Repository for the verifier : Create a fork of the repository in your GitHub account.

  2. Create a New Branch: Make a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  3. Write Code: Implement your feature or fix, ensuring your code is well-documented and tested.

  4. Submit a Pull Request: Push your branch to your fork and open a pull request to the main repository.

Additional Resources